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Our first project was at a school in Rockaway Beach, New York, following the devastation of Hurricane Sandy. For our continued work we have received a commendation from the city council.
We brought Pre-K through 6th graders materials including recyclable drawing pads, drawing supplies, tie-dye materials, and a restock for their arts and crafts room.
Through a fostered partnership with the amazing non-profit, Global Green ( we were able to raise money to continually host art days with professionals in the art world - including esteemed fashion designers and painters - at their school.
During the art expo, we taught students the process of designing their own t-shirts, including sketching, tie-dying, and styling them.
By way of creating bracelets and selling them at schools across the country, it was a project for children and teenagers to help those their same age who were in a less fortunate situation. All of the 13 Wishes bracelets are designed by kids, for kids.

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